Sunday, October 4, 2009

Attempt two... GO!

Hello again folks!

Hope everyone is in high spirits.

I have currently been busy with classes and what not. Now that I have finally been place in a language level here on campus, I don't have to go to 2 language classes each day.

That is my excuse for lack of updates and I'm sticking with it.

Anyways, seeing as the last attempt at posting a picture was such a huge success. Hey, I take my victories where I can. I have decided to attempt a few things that are more complicated. I have yet to figure out how to go about this but once I do, you'll be the first to know.

So, what are these complicated things I speak of? Well, for one I'd like to post more pictures (Duh!) without crowding the blog with pictures alone. Some of my friends who also have blogs have told me the I can us the Picasa program that comes with Google. I just haven't figure out how to do it yet.

Second thing I want to try and do is have a weekly or bi-weekly sort of video blog thingy. This is something that, given my knowledge of the internet and computers, will prove to be somewhat difficult to accomplish. I have a feeling though that it will be somehow connected to me being able to figure out Picasa. Its either that or I just might do what everyone else does and post it on Youtube.

Now, there is a slight problem with how and when I do this. Aside from what I have mentioned already. The problem is that I still do not have internet. Basically what I've been doing is coming everyday to campus and using the wireless to check my email and type things for you fine people to read. As you can guess, carrying around a laptop all day long can become rather tiring. I have been looking into getting internet at my dorm but so far the language barrier seems to still be a huge issue. I can only mime so much of my request and questions before I run out of hand signals.

Anyways, I'll keep you folks up to date on what I'm doing. Also, don't think I've forgotten about that 3 part "gauntlet" I told you about. You know, the one you have to get past in order to be able to "exist" here in Japan. I'll get to the second part of that in my next post.

Until then folks! Keep on reading

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