Thursday, September 16, 2010


Okay folks, admittedly this was a very very long time without a post. Life happens, things got busy in Japan with studying, homework, clubs and what not. However, now I am back in the US. Still busy, but back.

Classes have been going for about one month now. I am back to taking Japanese classes, trying not to forget all I learned over there. As it so happens, we are also required to keep a blog for this Japanese class in (wait for it...) Japanese. Duh.

For anyone who's interesting in reading my horrible Japanese grammar and watching me fumble with verbs, nouns, and anything related to the grammar, you are welcome to stop by and take a look at Any and all constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated. Also, it is currently under construction and no post have been put up yet.

So, now that I have two blogs, the challenge is to try and update both on a regular basis. Odds are that anything I have here will be the same as on the other blog, and visa versa. I think the trend of me being lazy has been firmly established, so why should I disappoint, right?

Till next time folks! (Hopefully not next month)